KC area GTG

August 3, 2002

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BruhahaX's ride.  TDI power!

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Dubstyl's sweet Mk2 GTI

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FastLapRSII's equally sweet Mk2 GTI

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GolfSPORT95's stylin' Mk3, freshly repaired.

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My (mec_vw) GTI VR6, freshly painted.

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Shaaaaag's Mk4 1.8T GTI.

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SloassBeetle's New Beetle.

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Stl4310's Mk3 Jetta GLX sporting Mk4 Long Beach wheels.

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Again, in better light.

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I suck because I can't remember this guy's name, but here's his Passat VR6.

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Group shot.

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Feel that Mk2 GTI vibe...

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Lovely BMW Z8 at the corner.  What's that haze in the air behind it?

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That would be the infamous car fire.

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This poor soul's car is on fire, and the nearest place they can pull into is a GAS STATION.

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Firefighters to the rescue!

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That's gotta suck.
