SonjaLogo.jpg (3694 bytes)

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Sonja's picture page has slowly grown.  (Hey, I added thumbnails!   Click on 'em for the bigger pic.)  Please wait for the pics to load...

April 05, 2003 - Together with Wolfgang

P1010002.JPG (13836 bytes)

P1010008.JPG (15312 bytes) P1010015.JPG (15322 bytes) P1010018.JPG (18348 bytes) P1010023.JPG (29246 bytes)

P1010019.JPG (14616 bytes)

June 14, 2002 - She's actually clean and it's a sunny day!

sunnysonja.jpg (45353 bytes)

sunnysonjarear.jpg (55202 bytes) sonjarearquarter.jpg (48896 bytes)

orgsticker.jpg (45207 bytes)

Here you can see the decal.

May 16, 2002 - Sonja after the Euro headlight installation:

EuroSonja2.jpg (26011 bytes)

EuroSonja3.jpg (24028 bytes) EuroSonja4.jpg (16651 bytes) EuroSonjaLows.jpg (29014 bytes)


EuroBrights.jpg (18573 bytes)

Peek of the 6-speed  :)

6spd_peekin.jpg (37306 bytes)

May 5, 2002 - Sonja at the autocross (special thanx to Peaty for the picture)

sonjaautox.jpg (19280 bytes)

April 15, 2002 - Sonja with her new Euro bumpers (yes, she needs a bath):

eurobump_1.jpg (17604 bytes)

eurobump_2.jpg (27058 bytes) eurobump_3.jpg (18300 bytes) eurobump_4.jpg (18879 bytes) eurobump_5.jpg (18244 bytes) eurobump_6.jpg (18829 bytes)

Required decal photo:

clubs.jpg (35557 bytes)

Here are some pics of Sonja with her U.S. bumpers:

sonjarfq.JPG (29232 bytes)

sonjalrq.JPG (19607 bytes) sonjalfq.JPG (27966 bytes)

Here are pictures of the VL Enterprises Option-6 transaxle installation:

This is looking up at the new tranny from beneath Sonja.  The tranny is the clean part. :)  The silver end cone contains the 6th gear.  You can kinda see where the wheel well was cut to clear the longer end cone.

6spd_1.jpg (41655 bytes)

This shot shows where the wheel well was cut.

6spd_2.jpg (40200 bytes)

Here's a close-up of the Option-6 sticking through the wheel well.

6spd_3.jpg (40118 bytes)

And here's a crummy pic of the Audi TT 6-speed shift knob installed:

TT_6spd_knob.JPG (42275 bytes)

Here's a slightly better pic:

tt_knob_2.jpg (35553 bytes)

Sonja's new brakes:

ate_pwrdscs.jpg (37101 bytes)

Here are some pictures as she was when I bought her.  These are basically the "before" pictures:

leftrear.JPG (19334 bytes)

front.JPG (9003 bytes)     engine.JPG (18279 bytes)

interior2.JPG (14996 bytes)     interior1.JPG (14038 bytes)

centerconsole.JPG (12507 bytes)

WolfsBadge.jpg (8411 bytes)
